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scientific program electroacoustic musics around set theory music analysis tools musicnetwork workshop professional week ircam forum workshops free software for music international multichannel sound forum performing arts and technologies dance and new technologies access to sound heritage thematic evenings demonstration stands artistic program set theory concert music in creation concert cursus concerts opera "one" sound installations open house weekend technologies gallery conferences demonstrations workshop-performances workshops and films ircam laboratories linux install-party concert distribution on internet associated events resonances night at glaz'art émilie simon at la cigale suguru goto reseaunances guided tours of ircam and the multimedia library resonances in pictures resonances 2002 ![]() |
TECHNOLOGIES GALLERYIn the demonstration spaces inside Ircam music industry and artists will present current live performance technologies that are in development or especially conceived for specific artistic needs.
Program02:00pm and 05:00pm : Midi sensors/real time processing/Midi actuatorsPedagogical suitcase for MIDI real time interaction. 02:20pm and 05:20pm : KymaKyma equipment is applied to real time sound synthesis that uses a programming language, which is specific for programming software including patches such as MAX. 02:40pm and 05:40pm : IsadoraThe Company "Troika Ranch Dance Theater" developed the system called ISADORA for the creation of hybrid performances including dance, theatre, music and multimedia. The system has several sensors and real time video processing software that reacts to the gestures of the actors and their voices. 03:00pm and 06:00pm : Eyes Web, the motion capture system and its application in the performance "Schlag !" of Roland AuzetEyes Web software was developed by Antonio Camurri at the University of Genoa. It allows a motion capture of dancers or actors on stage as well as the editing of those movements and movement analysis for musical control. Emmanuel Fléty will describe the use of Eyes Web in Schlag ! , the performance of Roland Auzet that combines circus music and video and that was presented during the festival Agora in June 2003. 03:20pm and 06:20pm : Max/MSP - Jitter and their application in electronic music performancesThe Dutch artists Eboman develops DVJ interfaces (Digital Video Jockey) and performed recently at the Pompidou Center. He will present spectacular interfaces such as "skrtZz pen", "skrtZz arm", the "skrtZz board" and the "skrtZz wheel". Web site 03:40pm and 06:40pm : JitterJitter is a set of video, matrix, and 3D graphics objects for the Max/MSP graphical programming environment, providing an unprecedented level of modularity in graphics processing applications. It is capable of describing and manipulating matrix data - any data that can be expressed in rows and columns, such as video and still images, OpenGL-based 3D geometries, text, spreadsheet data, particle systems, voxels, or audio. Jitter co-author Jeremy Bernstein will present an overview of the software, and some brief excerpts of work made with it. 04:00pm and 07:00pm : VNS motion capture system for musical interactionVNS (Very Nervous System) developed by David Rockeby (Canada) is one of the most outstanding motion capture systems for musical interaction. It was used by Jacques Remus for the installation "le carillon concertomatique" during the previous edition of Résonances in 2002. The composer and Forum member Georges Isakidis will present the system applied to image and sound control. |
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Organization Committee Copyright Ircam-Centre Pompidou 2003 |