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scientific program electroacoustic musics around set theory music analysis tools musicnetwork workshop professional week ircam forum workshops free software for music international multichannel sound forum performing arts and technologies dance and new technologies access to sound heritage thematic evenings demonstration stands artistic program set theory concert music in creation concert cursus concerts opera "one" sound installations open house weekend technologies gallery conferences demonstrations workshop-performances workshops and films ircam laboratories linux install-party concert distribution on internet associated events resonances night at glaz'art émilie simon at la cigale suguru goto reseaunances guided tours of ircam and the multimedia library resonances in pictures resonances 2002 ![]() |
ABSTRACTSLes logiciels libresThe talk will briefly recall what free software is, and the development tools and processes that go with it. It will then discuss why free software based approaches make sense in fields like music research and creation, and what are the challenges in adopting them. Une visite guidée des logiciels musicaux sur LinuxThis talk will make a fast tour of musical software available on Linux, all of them being available via Planet CCRMA, MIDI sequencer, sound editors, real time effects, software synthetizers... connected by the JACK audio connectivity server. Les logiciels libres à l'Ircam - jMaxWe will present briefly the free softwares that are developped by Ircam. We will show in more details the jMax software, a visual programming environment for interactive music and multimedia applications, which has been the first Ircam software to be released as free software. OpenMusic pour LinuxWe will present the Linux version of OpenMusic. Portage issues, requirements, installation and a perspective of future development will be disscused followed by a demonstration of this environment on the Linux platform and some interaction with other tools such as Csound or SND. Soft landing on Planet CCRMAPlanet CCRMA transforms a computer running RedHat 7.3, 8.0 or 9 into an audio workstation with a low-latency kernel, current ALSA audio drivers and a very complete set of music, midi, audio and video applications. It can be easily installed through the Internet or from CDROMS with command line tools or a GUI installer. I'll talk about how it was created, what it can do, how to install it and what the future will bring to newer versions. Le projet AGNULAThe AGNULA project aims to contribute to the community effort in the development and diffusion of Libre Software by providing the first Libre Software platform devoted to professional and consumer audio applications and development. AGNULA distributions have the following features : easy to use (auto-installing, with auto-configuration, plug-and-play, etc...), full-featured GNU/Linux system (completely configurable and customizable, reliable and secure, strongly linked to networking the Internet, easy to upgrade, etc...). The AGNULA Demudi distributionDeMuDi, the Debian Multimedia Distribution, is a debian-based distribution aimed at professional audio work developed in the context of the AGNULA european project. This talk will give a brief overview of the status of the DeMuDi project, what the next steps are, and its relationship with the Debian distribution. La distribution AGNULA RehmudiRed Hat France, major contributor of the open source community, has put its know-how to the service of the AGNULA project to create a distribution for audio and multimedia, named RehMuDi, based on the Red Hat Linux system. This distribution allows anybody to beneficiate of a true complete professional set of free software for musical and audio creation and production. Quelques expériences avec les logiciels libres autour de trois oeuvresThis talk will present three pieces that use at different levels Linux and free software for their realization. The first piece is the Mutation installation (Gortais, Hutzler, Orlarey), presented at Musique en Scène 2000 in Lyon, that was using a network of four computers running Linux and connected to weather forecast servers. The second piece is a musical piece, Continuation Violette (Dorival, Orlarey, Pachet, 2003) that was using two interactive devices one of which running under Linux. The third piece, Rituel d'Espace (Orlarey, 2003) is an interactive piece for chinese flute and computer running entirely under Linux. The devices and the different software modules used in the piece will be presented. The Faust language that has been used for the implementation will also be briefly presented. Présentation des logiciels libres développés au SCRIMEThis talk will present libre softwares developped at SCRIME : sound analysis, modeling and synthesis with InSpect software and JMax objects, music modeling for musical composition with the BOXES project, musical Applications with the Dolabip project (musical education for young children) and the virtual instruments project. DIPS for LinuxThe DIPS, Digital Image Processing with Sound, has been developed by S.Matsuda as a plug-in software for the jMax. The DIPS objects realize the various OpenGL functions and the real-time visual image processing in the jMax environment. Here we would like to introduce its Linux version ported by C.Miyama and D.Ando. |
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Organization Committee Copyright Ircam-Centre Pompidou 2003 |